Surgeries require anesthesia.

No matter how much the anesthetics have improved or how precise the monitoring systems have become, there are always risks involved with anesthesia. We do everything we can to ensure the well-being of our patients.

Dr. Baranack gives each patient a presurgical exam. We run pre-anesthetic blood work on each patient the morning of surgery. We use the safest anesthetics. Our patients are monitored at all times. Their lives are in our hands and we take this very seriously.


The Nuts & Bolts

  • Who?

    Our receptionists are not required to know, do not know the order of which Dr. Baranack will perform the sugeries. Do not call the front desk for status updates on your pet.

    Mrs. Baranack will call you when your pet is ready to be picked up.

    Dr. Baranack discharges each patient, thoroughly discussing surgical procedure and all post surgical care.

  • What?

    We ask for no food to be given after midnight but water is okay!

    Go home medications are all labeled. We will go over everything at pick up.

    Rule #1 No licking
    Rule #2 No licking
    Rule #3 Don’t forget rules 1 & 2.

  • Where?

    The morning of surgery, you’ll check in with the front desk and be placed in an exam room.

    The assistants will retrieve any additional infomation or concerns; i.e. refills, microchipping, lumps or bumps to check

    The patients recover in the kennel although some will require special care and stay with us in the treatment area for constant monitoring until they go home.

  • When?

    Tuesdays & Thursdays
    Drop off at 7:30am

    You’ll get a text message reminder 2 days before with the consent form and presurgical instructions.

    Depending on our personal schedule, we may perform more urgent surgeries during lunch, after hours, weekends and even holidays.

  • Why?

    Each patient needs plenty of time to recover so neither you nor we need to worry.

    By the time they are ready to go, we’ve already began an afternoon full of appointments and have most likely worked through lunch.
    Be patient.

    Parking spaces and exam rooms are limited.

  • How long?

    You’ll get a text message update as soon as your pet is off the surgical table and into recovery.

    Charting, Reporting, Prescriptions & Invoicing all happen before you receive a phone call with a pick up time.

    Ideally, go home times are 3:00-4:00pm.
    Sometimes it’s 1:30, Sometimes it’s 5:30.